How to Make Computer Games

Hello my dear friends, am here to drop seven steps on how to make a computer games, are your hobbies playing computer games, coming up with new tactics to beat them, and creating universes from your mind's ensorcelled depths? There are many tools that let you make your own computer game with nothing more than these skills, although a little programming knowledge will give you more options to work with. Pick up your mouse and keyboard +2 and enjoy the ride.

1. Choose a concept. For your first project, making a typical, small example of a genre you like is a fine starting point, such as a platformer or a role-playing game. Before you get started, write down any ideas you have for what the game will be like, and your answers to the following questions:
  • What is the main component of the game play (the "core" game play)? This could be fighting enemies, solving puzzles, or talking to other characters.
  • What do you want that game play to look like? For example, fighting enemies can happen with real-time button-pushing or turn-based tactical decisions. Dialogue-heavy games can let the player shape the plot based on his decisions, or they can be more about learning as much as you can about the characters and world.
  • What is the mood of the game? Is it creepy, cheerful, mysterious, exciting?
Make a simple level. If you're using a game engine or game-making tool for the first time, this is a great time to play around with the tool. Learn how to place backgrounds, objects, and moving characters. If possible, make objects that the player can interact with, or look through the software's ready-made objects and see if they come with built-in interactions.
  • If you're not sure how to do something, ask about it on the tool's website or search online for help.
  • Don't worry about lighting effects and other graphical "extras" yet.
How to Make Computer Games How to Make Computer Games Reviewed by Mr. SAM on February 10, 2016 Rating: 5

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