Edit Your Blog Easily

Hey friends I’m back from my break I understand that after our lesson on creating a blog we still have to go into some gallops to see that the blog is physically built. What I mean is that the looking of our blog. Does our blog have to be looking nice or weird? Yes it have to! Simply because its gives visitors satisfaction and you also have to understand that people are nowadays fashioned therefore your blog should also look good there are more reasons that your blog have to look nice but these two are all I know. 

But I also know that any blogger want to see his blog looking nice not only for his own personal interest but also to his blog visitors. Any blog that bas a nice looking feature makes its visitors visit it another time while a blog that has a bad looking features sends visitors away this is simply due to the competition attached to blogging as a profession in order to protect yourself from being among those bloggers that have such problem you just simply have devote yourself to your blog and then achieve your blog’s beauty.
Let’s quickly move on to our topic, the above noise I think it’s not part of our lesson. 
Note: in this lesson we will only focus on editing blog labels and creating pages. And in order to edit your blog labels to your own choice you first have to type in the labels yourself to a specific post in your post. I know I a little confused right now but don’t worry I will put you through just stay with me to the end of this lesson.


  • STEP ONE:go to your add new post on your blog add the content you want to publish or just create a temporary post for the purpose this lesson, see picture below.
  • STEP TWO: Now on the right hand side of your unpublished post look for label and clock on it. See picture below 
  • STEP THREE: type in the labels of your choice for example news, celebrity just as many as you want then click on done and subsequently publish the post. See the picture below.


  • STEP ONE: after publishing your post the second thing is to make the labels you typed appear on your blog web page. Go to your blogger dash board on the left hand side you will see several tabs arranged, okay now look carefully and click on the tab “layout”. See the picture below

  • STEP TWO: if you have done that I’m sure the next web page will be layout page. Now on the page choose where to make the labels appear on your blog but I suggest you choose your blog side bar because your labels might be many. Now on your layout side bar click on add a “gadget”.
  • STEP THREE: I’m sure when you clicked on add a gadget your computer opened up a new browser for you don’t worry if you noticed that just on the new browser a web page will be displayed and scroll down to choose the gadget “LABELS” from the numerous gadgets and you will be directed to another web page. See picture below
  • STEP FOUR: on the web page leave everything as you see them just click on ‘Save’ and the browser will close itself. Picture below 

Now go to your blog and you will see the labels where you applied them. But dude that’s not all. Stay with me to the end and I promised putting you through.


In implementing labels to your blog I can say you must be very attentive if not you won’t get what the lazy writer is explaining but don’t be depressed it’s as simple as doing what you want.

  • STEP ONE:now on your blogger dash board click on ‘view blog’ after clicking view blog your browser will take you to your blog address. Don’t close your blog come back to your blogger dash board again on the same dash board on your left hand side click on the tab ‘template’. See picture below 
  • STEP TWO: after clicking on the template tab a web page will appear and on  the webpage you will notice an HTML coding of your blog now press ‘contorl+F’ to find a key word from the labels on the blog eg (on the search box I will choose to type ‘news’ and then press enter). Please note that you will search for the labels that you want to replace which is already on the template not the ones you type yourself.
  • STEP THREE: after searching for the label you want to replace leave the place and go back to your blog web address and ‘right click’ on the labels you typed earlier and then click on ‘copy link location’’ though in some situations it is ‘copy link address’’

  • STEP FOUR: after that go back to the template tab you left earlier and on the key word you searched replace the URL (https://thistemplate.com) with example (https://yourblog.com/labels/) and then on the same line locate and change the tittle.
Do the same steps to all the labels.
Good luck.
Edit Your Blog Easily Edit Your Blog Easily Reviewed by Mr. SAM on January 31, 2016 Rating: 5

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